If the hype is anything to go by, we’re entering a bright future where “Artificial Intelligence” will revolutionize medicine. This post provides some counterpoints to that hype, focusing on three issues: patient privacy data sovereignty professional knowledge and its exploitation - image (1024x1024) generated using Stable Diffusion v2.0 (Linux, NVIDIA RTX 3090, 24GB) > prompt: creepy humanoid AI doctor looking at medical files, Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 403319539, Size: 512x512, Model hash: de2f2560, Batch size: 4, Batch pos: 0

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Francesco Giorlando

Musings on Research, Tech and Medicine
Dr Giorlando is a clinician-scientist with interests in neuroscience, psychophysics, addiction and temporal perception. He implements high-performance computing and electronic systems for research and enjoys hacking with digital media and sustainable technologies.

Scientist and Clinician

Melbourne, Australia